Test 400mg x 1ml Amps (Box of 10 Amps)


Name: Test 400
Manufacturer: Sovereign Pharma
Each Amp Contains :
Testosterone Propionate 70mg
Testosterone Enanthate 165mg
Testosterone Cypionate 165mg
10 x 400mg 1ml Amps

Please note these are on half price sale – they still perfect

These Amps say Exp End of Jan 2024 but are literally 100% fine and dont degrade for at least 24 months after exp date and even then they dont degrade
they are sealed shut and perfect to use. As the Exp date is Jan 24 we will discount them to £25 per box saving you a ton of money and you still get
perfect Pharma Ampoules that are FINE to be used for the next 12 months min with absolutely NO spoiling and or getting weaker
these are literally fine to use and are no different than amps that are exp in 12 months time they dont just go off over night and takes years to degrade
we have got a limited supply left so 1st come basis for ordering these now
think of a can of beans it can still be opend 10 years after the exp and they are still perfect in side this is the very same
take advantage of this sale offer on these Amps whilst we have some left.
By Purchasing these you have agreed you have been made aware of the Exp Date and all sales are final


Out of stock


Name: Test 400
Manufacturer: Sovereign Pharma
Each Amp Contains :
Testosterone Propionate 70mg
Testosterone Enanthate 165mg
Testosterone Cypionate 165mg
10 x 400mg 1ml Amps

Test 400 has flooded the market in the last couple of years bringing various different blends of testosterone from various different manufacturers and many black market brands have capitalised on this recent trend. Test 400 has been tailored for today’s bodybuilders looking for the ultimate mass building product.

There has been talk of test 400 being fake and that it does not exist due to it being too strong and the solution would crash, however any chemist with half a brain will tell you this is untrue.

To ensure Test 400 remains stable the alcohol content is slightly increased which for some sensitive users means painful injections but 95% of users need not worry about this as only a very few are sensitive to this.

Buy Test 400 – Side Effects

Test 400 can cause side effects such as acne, hair loss, prostate enlargement and it will shut down your natural hormone function. Most of the side effects begin as the body turns high levels of testosterone into estrogen due to the aromatase enzyme.

This side effect can be controlled by the use of anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex, Proviron or Arimidex which all work in different ways in controlling the estrogen but still get the job done. Anti estrogen products will help keep any water retention down so you do not look as bloated or puffy and will also combat any gyno (bitch tit) problems that some users are sensitive to.

Test 400 is a seriously strong blend of testosterones which in some users can convert to dihydrotestosterone which is a worry for some as this can cause male pattern baldness but again this can be controlled by use of Finasteride and Regain.

Buy Test 400 – Dosage/Stacking/Results

As with any testosterone it will increase nitrogen retention in the muscle, there are reports of it increasing IGF-1 in the muscle tissue and liver and it also has an active role in repairing exercised damaged muscle tissue through satellite cell activity.

Test 400 is very highly anabolic and very highly androgenic and will cause a massive increase in strength and size which you will physically see in approximately 14 days. Test 400 is very popular amongst bodybuilders today and I have physically seen it produce dramatic results for competitive bodybuilders whilst in early stages of preparing for competition.

Test 400 is the ultimate testosterone mass builder and is usually stacked on a bulking phase with the likes of Deca Durabolin and Dianbol or Anadrol 50. The Dianabol or Anadrol 50 should be used in the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle to kick start the whole process by up regulating the receptor sites, the Test 400 and Deca Durabolin would be continued for the full 8-12 weeks.

Towards the end of such a course many bodybuilders would add hardening steroids such as Masteron to stay in an anabolic state and tighten the gains made. To ensure you keep most of your gains when you come off a cycle including Test 400 it is very important that post cycle therapy products are used such as Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG.

Please note these are on half price sale – they still perfect

These Amps say Exp End of Jan 2024 but are literally 100% fine and dont degrade for at least 24 months after exp date and even then they dont degrade
they are sealed shut and perfect to use. As the Exp date is Jan 24 we will discount them to £25 per box saving you a ton of money and you still get
perfect Pharma Ampoules that are FINE to be used for the next 12 months min with absolutely NO spoiling and or getting weaker
these are literally fine to use and are no different than amps that are exp in 12 months time they dont just go off over night and takes years to degrade
we have got a limited supply left so 1st come basis for ordering these now
think of a can of beans it can still be opend 10 years after the exp and they are still perfect in side this is the very same
take advantage of this sale offer on these Amps whilst we have some left.
By Purchasing these you have agreed you have been made aware of the Exp Date and all sales are final