*Lab Tested* Cialis 20mg /25 Tabs


Manufacturer: INTEX PHARMA
Product Name: Cialis 20mg
Product Contains: Tadalafil 20mg per Tablet

Benefits of Cialis

  • Increased Blood Flow
  • Harder and Longer Erections
  • Longer acting than Viagra
  • Improved Sexual Performance
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Manufacturer: INTEX PHARMA
Product Name: Cialis 20mg
Product Contains: Tadalafil 20mg per Tablet

Benefits of Cialis

  • Increased Blood Flow to Penis.
  • Improved Sexual performance.
  • AImproved Blood Flow: Tadalafil is known for its vasodilatory effects, which means it relaxes and widens blood vessels. This enhanced blood flow can potentially benefit muscle gain by delivering oxygen, nutrients, and hormones more efficiently to the muscles during exercise.
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    Intex Cialis Lab Test Results below

  • Intex Cialis 20mg

    Enhanced Exercise Performance: By improving blood flow, Tadalafil may contribute to enhanced exercise performance. With better oxygenation and nutrient delivery, muscles may experience improved endurance and strength during workouts, potentially leading to more effective muscle-building sessions.

    Nitric Oxide Boost: Tadalafil’s mechanism of action involves inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which increases the levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in the body. This, in turn, promotes the release of nitric oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator. Increased NO levels can improve blood flow and potentially support muscle growth and recovery.

    Reduction of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage: Some research suggests that Tadalafil may help mitigate exercise-induced muscle damage. By improving blood flow and potentially reducing inflammation, it may aid in the recovery process, allowing for more rapid repair and growth of muscle tissue.

    Psychological Benefits: Tadalafil’s positive effects on sexual performance and confidence can indirectly contribute to muscle gain. When individuals experience enhanced self-esteem and psychological well-being, they may feel more motivated and focused on their fitness goals, leading to a more dedicated and consistent approach to muscle-building exercises.